Corporate Boards' Role In Workplace Vaccine Mandates
Given the importance of the employee stakeholder to the corporate mission, and the board's obligation to manage corporate risks associated with employee health and welfare, corporate boards may have a role in workplace vaccination mandates.
Is Your Commercial Co-Venture in Compliance in all 50 States?
Commercial co-venture arrangements are a great way to blend philanthropy and commercial activities, but the parties in such an arrangement need to be mindful of the rules in each of the 50 states that govern commercial co-venture arrangements. If a person or for-profit company joins forces with a charitable organization to benefit the charitable organization, usually via donations, the parties have entered into a commercial co-venture arrangement for a charitable sales promotion.
What to Do Now if You Want to Sell Your Company
The global M&A market has remained strong from the end of 2017 into 2018. With stockholders pressuring larger companies to grow their revenues and the strong liquidity position of many companies, it is a sellers’ market. For companies looking to sell and participate in the global M&A market of $3.7 trillion in 2017[1] and $890.7 billion in Q1 2018[2], the toughest question is often how to start.
The Gig Economy, Independent Contractors, and New York Law
The gig economy (on-demand work) is a disruptive factor in many industries, including the housing market (Airbnb, Homeaway), transportation services (Uber, Lyft, Juno, Via), delivery services (Postmates, Caviar, Instacart), and beauty services (Glamsquad, The Glam App). Time Magazine conducted a study which revealed that more than 90 million U.S. adults have participated in the gig economy, with at least 45 million U.S. adults earning income as a provider ofThe Gig Economy, Independent Contractors, and New York Law such goods or services.
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